15170_Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical and and Biological Water Quality Upstream and Downstream of the Manantali Dam and Hydropower Plant from 2019 to 2023
15167_Etude impacts environnementaux_ amenagements hydroélectriques OMVS sur la qualité physico-chimique et biologique de l’eau_cas du barrage Manantali
15170 – Comparative study of physico-chemical and biological water quality upstream and downstream of the Manantali Dam and hydropower plant from 2019 to 2023. Journal of geoscience and environnement protection. 2024-12, 111-131
15170_Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical and and Biological Water Quality Upstream and Downstream of the Manantali Dam and Hydropower Plant from 2019 to 2023
15169 – Management of significant environnemental aspects and impacts in accordance with the ISO 14001 2015standard during the operation and maintenance phase of senegal river basin development authority hydroelectric works and facilities : The case of Manantali Dam . Journal of geoscience and environnement protection. 2024-12, 89-110
15169_Management of Significant Environmental aspects and impacts according to ISO 14001
15168 – Evolution of the physico-chemical quality of the water in the Manantali Dam reservoir from 1989 ( one of year after inpoundment) to 2022. Journal of géoscience and environment protection. 2023, 11, 351-366
15168_Evolution of the Physico-Chemical Quality of the Water in the Manantali Dam Reservoir from 1989 to 2022r
15167 – Etude des impacts environnementaux des aménagements hydroélectriques de l’OMVS sur la qualité physico-chimique et biologique de l’eau. Cas du barrage hydroélectrique de Manantali. Thése de Doctorat Unique- Spécialité : Hydraulique et Environnement
15167_Etude impacts environnementaux_ amenagements hydroélectriques OMVS sur la qualité physico-chimique et biologique de l’eau_cas du barrage Manantali
15166 – Rapport d’évaluation des besoins post catastrophe. Innondations urbaines à Dakar 2009. Rapport final
15166_Rapport evaliation des besoins post catastrophes – innondatoon de Dakar